Find out about our location and transport details to make getting to school safe and easy.
Our school is located at:
37 Arthur Allen Drive
Bardia NSW 2565
Getting to and from school safely
As a parent or carer, it’s your responsibility to get your child to and from school safely. Student safety is our priority.
Keep our school community safe by:
- driving and parking safely, even if it means parking further away and walking the rest of the way to school
- being a good role model
- never calling your child from across the road
- using the safest place to cross the road.
Our KISS & DROP ZONE is supervised by volunteer staff from our school.
Always follow their instructions to help keep our students safe.
Morning Kiss and Drop Procedure
1. Access to the Kiss and Drop area at the front of the school is via MacDonald Road. When entering this area, please drive up to the next available space. This will improve traffic flow.
2. If turning right onto Arthur Allen Drive from Damascus Street, please use the Kiss and Drop Zone on Malaya Street.
Safety Tips:
1. Drivers always remain in their vehicles with the engine running.
2. Ensure the handbrake is applied when the vehicle is stationary.
3. Students must use the safest door to get in and out of the vehicle.
4. Do not overtake in the Kiss and Drop Zone. Be patient and follow the vehicle in front.
5. If crossing Arthur Allen Road, please use the pedestrian crossing.
Afternoon Pick-up Procedure
If you are picking up your child on foot:
Enter the school through the COLA gate or the gate on Malaya Street. These gates will be opened at 2:50 pm.
Meet your child at their pick-up area:
Kindergarten—under the shade cloth
Years 1 and 2—on the basketball court
Years 3 and 4—the flagpole area
Years 5 and 6—on the oval
For parents and carers of younger children
Discuss with your child how to be safe when:
Also talk about and practise:
- safe travel routes
- plans for when unexpected things happen
- what to do in wet weather.
Subsidised school travel
Transport for NSW provides subsidies to assist school students.
- The School Student Transport Scheme provides eligible students with free or subsidised travel on public transport between home and school.
- The School Drive Subsidy may help towards the costs of driving children to school if you live in an area where there is no public transport.